How To Disable Blue Ticks In Whatsapp Description: worldwide whatsapp users are increasing everyday and whatsapp is the global messaging service trending...
Ansible playbooks Are Not Running – Exec format error Description: When running on any playbooks in ansible node getting the following error, ERROR:...
Amazon,JPMorgan Associating With Berkshire Hathaway For Healthcare Company Yes, This is the source news that Amazon,JPMorgan are going to associate with...
Amazon Echo Dot Is The highest Sold Product From Amazon Holiday Season Finally holiday shopping season is ends with plenty of products sold in worldwide...
Amazon Prime Video Is Now Launched On Apple TV This was very old statement from Apple CEO Tim Cook that Amazon Prime will come to Apple TV. Finally these words...
Apple Pay Cash Out Now In US States For iPhone Users Apple announced Apple Pay Cash in the month of June and it is time to roll out for all iPhone users.Apple...
Microsoft Phase To Stop Windows Phones In Future – Official It is well known and open fact that Microsoft windows smartphones are not success as compared...
How To Share Wi-Fi Password Using iOS11 And iPhone Wi-Fi Password sharing is not a complicate one but still if the password very secure one could not share it...
How To Recover Forgot Root User Password In Centos/RHEL In general case sometimes we forgot root account password or might be need to reset root account...