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How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows


In some cases we cannot get ping request for the system from other network or other systems.In that case you have enable ICMP protocol in the system.So that we can get ping request and packet loss in the network.

Procedures In Windows XP:

– Open the system control panel.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows
– Go to the Network Connections.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows
– Right click on the Local Area Connection.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows1
– In that select Advanced Tab.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows2
– Click on Windows Firewall Settings.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows4
– In Windows Firewall Select Advanced Tab.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows3
– In this windows you can find ICMP – Settings.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows5
– In ICMP Settings select Allow Incoming eacho request.

How To Enable ICMP echo Requests In Windows6
– Click on ok..

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