Tech News

Apple Apologizes On Bug And Released iOS 8.0.2

Apple Apologizes On Bug And Released iOS 8.0.2

Apple new phones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus is creating bitĀ  of issues from the released corners.Newly released iOS 8.0.1 issued with Zapping Cellular reception in phones.To fix this bug Apple fail to reissue the latest iOS immediately.Now Apple released iOS 8.0.2 with all updated features including debugged script.

Apple Apologizes On Bug And Released iOS 8.0.2
This new iOS 8.0.2 will automatically fix third party keyboards stick issue while activate apps it will turn keyboard to defaultĀ  Apple’s stock keyboard.

Apple officially released that nearly 40,000 iPhones and iPhones 6 Plus are effected with the bad sectors in release , Apple team is working on this to recover back to normal very soon.And iPhone user can try to fix this bad releases by the update from iTunes or from navigate to Settings > General and tap Software Update this will most of iPhones issue.

Tags:Apple,iPhone,iPhone 6,iPhone 6 Plus,iPhone 6 Review,Tech news,Knowledge articles,Hosting articles

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