The Future is Now: Cutting-Edge Tech to Watch Out For As we all know, technology is changing at a fast pace, with innovative gadgets making our lives more...
Author - admin
How To Fix: Sound Not Working In Chrome Browser Description: While playing any videos in the Google Chrome Web browser, sound output is not coming. Same video...
How to Configure a Local Yum Repository Using an ISO Image Describe: In this will be detailed the steps to mount the ISO image and configure the local YUM...
JBL’s First Earbuds With Touch Screen Display Case Yes, you heard correctly.JBL, a leading manufacturer of electronic audio products, produced the first...
Snapchat+ Created Record 1 million Subscribers A record 1 million premium subscribers have joined Snapchat+ since its launch two months ago.There are 1 million...
How to Execute Python Files in VS Code In this article we will show how we can run Python programmes in Visual Studio Code. The Python Extension will make...
Drag Number Increase Function Not Working in Excel Sheet Issue: While using MS-Excel drag to increase the number count is not working and getting + mark and it...
Issue: one of source_tags, source_ranges, or source_service_accounts must be defined Describe: While deployment of infrastructure using terraform after running...
Issue: ‘: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain Description: While clone the repos from the gitlab facing the issue with...
While checking nagios status in one of the node getting this error, seems this is not a bug in another node nagios service is running fine. Tried to remove the...