How To Generate Database Backup Script In SQL 2008 R2 Description: In some cases Microsoft SQL database .bak file will...
Category - SQL Tutorials
An Error Occurred when attaching the database(S).Click the hyperlink in the Message Column For Details Description: While Attaching the .mdf in Sql server it...
How To Change DB Schema In Sql 2008 Description: After restoring the database from my local system to live server database is restored successfully but...
The transaction log for database ‘mydb’ is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys...
How To Install NetFx3 For SQL Server 2012 Scenario: While install SQL server 2012 Sp1 in the Windows Server 2012 it is giving me the error.Error while enabling...
SQL server database mirror will help to avoid the database server downtime.If one database server done secondary database server will start working.In database...
How to Change Table Schema Name In SQL 2008 Description: -After database restored some of the tables schema was changed...