SQL Tutorials

How To Generate Database Backup Script In SQL 2008 R2

                                        How To Generate Database Backup Script In SQL 2008 R2


In some cases Microsoft SQL database .bak file will not restored and due to the versions difference.In this case developer prefer to generate backup script file.Here is the steps to generate script backup file.


– Log in to server with administrator account.

– Now expand the databases.

– Right click on the database.and select Tasks.
database backup script file
– Sub-menu will open in this click on Generate Scripts.

Generate and Publish Scripts window will open Select Script entire database and all database objects.
How TO Generate Database Backup Script In SQL 2008 R2
– Click on next.

– In next window click Advanced tab.

database backup script file01

– In Advanced Scripting Options change Types of data to script is Schema and data.

database backup script file02

– And Change Script Data Compression Options is True.

database backup script file03
– Select Save to new query window.

How TO Generate Database Backup Script In SQL 2008 R203
– Click on next.Script will generate in new window.Copy into note pad and execute the same script in local  Ms-SQl server.

Tags:Ms-SQl,SQl Scripts,SQl 2008,SQl 2008 R2,SQl backup,SQl 200 R2 installation.

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