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Google Translating 100 Billion Words Per Day

Google Translating 100 Billion Words Per Day

Biggest search gaint Google new slogan “Be together,not the same” is populate in social media.Google extending this slogan in other services too.Google Translate is the the breaks the languages barriers and help worldwide people to understand easily.

Google released a emotional Google Translate commercial video that show the communicate the people by simply translate to local languages.Google the search giant claim it is translating 100 billion words per day include the average using wishes “how are you?”, “thank you”,“I love you” too.

Google Translating 100 Billion Words Per Day

Really Google Translate is merge the people from various locations and different countries too.This app is in initial Google not focused much because of the people usage and target is very less.Later times google focused and developed various translations that are picture translation,Handwriting support,Auto voice translation.Word Lens is the real time translation that will literally translate the voice from mic and picture from camera.

Most of the people in world tour using this app to easily communicate with the people and move to specified places.Google translation is day on increasing the number of translation in all the corners.

Tags:Google,google Translate,Google new translate,Google services,Google new services

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