If you want to create RDNs for single domain in the Remote IP follow th below steps.
– Log in to the WHM control panel.
– Go to DNS Functions -> Edit DNS Zone
– Add new entries in the below of the current entries.
– host name record type PTR and Ipaddress(Remote)
– If the ipaddress is Remote same the record in select Remote Mail Exchanger and save it.
– Later restart bind services from WHM.
– Propagation time should be 2-3 hours in some conditions.
– If you want to test the configuration settings.
– In the control panel type the below command.
host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(Remote Ipaddress)
– It will show the following output
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.appr domain name pointer www.domain.com
Tags:RDNS,Cpanel,WHMRDNS settings,New MX records,MX entries,Mail exchanger.
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