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How to disable wp-cron in wordpress..

How to disable wp-cron in wordpress..

Issue:How to disable wp-cron in wordpress

wp-cron running every 1 min the server.Due to this reason load is increaing in the server.My website is very slow.


– First you have to disable the wp-cron in wp-config.php file.

– Log in the cpanel and open the file wp-config.php.

-In this file add define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, ‘true’); line

-Enter the line as mention in the below,

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘webdb’);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘userna5_user’);
define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, ‘true’);

Tage:wp-cron-wp-admin issue,cpanel,wordpress issue,wordpress themes.

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