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How To Resolve 550-“JunkMail rejected 550 an RBL, see “

mail service rejectingHow To Resolve 550-“JunkMail rejected




When anyine try to send the mail to cpanel/whm server domains server is rejecting the mails.It is giving the below error,

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550-“JunkMail rejected – []:37202 is in
550 an RBL, see ”

Even server Ipaddress also not listed in any spam locations.From Yahoo and Gmail and other mails also rejecting.


– Log in to the whm with root account.
– Go to Exim Configuration Manager

Home »Service Configuration »Exim Configuration Manager
– Click on Basic Editor
– In this window uncheck or off  the all RBLs.Set as default.

How To Resolve 550 JunkMail rejected
– Save the above changes.Now Exim will restart.
– Now check the mail service.

Tags:Mail service,cpanel,whm,Exim,Exim configuration,Horde mail service,Cpanel configuration.

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