How To Set Cron Job In Centos Server
To execute the files user can set Cron job so that assigned Job will run at the particular time which was set in crontab.Here is the simple steps to configure Cron Job.
– Login To the server using root log in details.
– Open crontab -e
– Now enter the file path and set the time.Here is the some of the example,
0 0,6,12,18 * * * php -q /var/www/ ( This will run every 6 hours)
# at 3:30AM in the file /var/phpinfo
30 3 * * mon cat /proc/meminfo >> /var/phpinfo
A script every 15 minutes
*/15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/perl /home/domain/
-After enter in to the desired cron job press esc and ZZ to save and quit from the cron tab file.
– To verify the running crons in the server use the below command,
crontab -l
– To remove the complete crons use the below command,
crontab -r
Tags:Cron Job,Cron Job in centos,Cron Job configuration,Cron Job path,Crontab file,Crontab issue,Cron Tab configuration
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