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How To Set Redirection In Cpanel



How To Set Redirection In Cpanel


Redirection is used to forward domain to particular URL or adding additional folder path.Developers can redirect the domain from the index page.Here is simple steps to redirect the domain from hosting control panel(cpanel).


– Login to the control panel using user name and password.Here is the control panel URL

– Find the option  Redirects in control panel.

– In Redirects window it will show Add Redirect option.

How To Set Redirection In Cpanel
– Now Select the domain name which you want to redirect from the dropdown http://(www.)?

– If you want to redirect the sub-folder enter the folder name after / in the above.

– Go to next option to set the redirection. redirect to->.

– User can any redirection with www and without www and Do Not Redirect WWW. also added wild card Redirect

– Click Add button to update redirection.

– Once update the redirection details Current Redirects shows the existing redirection.

Tags:Cpanel,Redirection,domain redirection,Hosting renewal,Tech news

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