How To Unzip or Extract Tar.gz files in Linux
Tar.gz file is nothing but a archive or compressed format file.This format file contain bulk files in the compressed format to reduce the original size.We can use this format for files,folders,and subfolders too.
Very simple that we can extract or open the archive files which is in .tar.gz format.Open the terminal and use the following command to extract and open tar.gz file,
tar -zxvf compressfile.tar.gz
Parameters stand for:
-z – Uncompress the result
-x – Extract to the disk
-v – verbose output/Progress the extract files
-f – specified the file archive to read
If you want to mention the specified location that extract the files follow the command,
tar -zxvf compressfile.tar.gz -C /tmp
To view the files and folders in the tar.gz or compressed file,
tar -tzvf compressfile.tar.gz
Tags:tar,gz,zip files,compressed files,compressed folders,gzip files,gzip folders,mytecharticle,tech news,linux,windows,Openstack
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