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Infosys Acquiring Panaya ERP Company

Infosys Acquiring Panaya ERP Company

Bengaluru based IT and Consulting company Infosys announced future acquires.Infosys acquiring Panaya an ERP software company.Trade source information deal will be around $200 million.

Infosys Acquiring Panaya ERP Company

Infosys planning to integrate Panaya’s CloudQuality Suite to some of company ERP’s which is using and own development.By Implementing this integration will help functions and potential solutions and code bugs in SAP,Oracle EBS and Salesforce softwares.Infosys holding biggest SAP solution provider in worldwide market.

Infosys target the good growth in its revenue slowly in terms giving the customize and flexi,easy solution to major clients.In software export market Infosys facing tough competition interms of other company strategies.HCL and TCS and getting many projects after several acquires.

Tags:Infosys,Saas,Cloudquality,Infosys Acquired,latest acquisitions

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