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Microsoft Accepts Universal Windows App From Developers


Microsoft Accepts Universal Windows App From Developers

Here is the Good news for windows app developers.Now Microsoft is accept the apps from windows developers and developers can integrate the windows phone applications with windows store.


Microsoft Accepts Universal WIndows App From Developers

Microsoft announced to receive the windows app for the user easier to windows 8.1 operating system in mobile phones and application accessible also easy.Windows store complete expanding in the process.

Microsoft is working on Xbox and windows based gathering to one app game in mobile.Microsoft is allowing users to download the apps to completable devices which will suppose to run.

Microsoft released windows phone 8.1 for developers and code manual along with the phone.Also Microsoft offering developers to book the application names that was previously windows stores apps have.

Tags:Microsoft,windows,windows apps,Latest windows apps,windows 8.1,windows 8.1 preview

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