Amazon Fire Phone Fall Down In Market
Leading online retailer and eshopping website Amazon released Firefox phone in this year.After fire phone launched in the market within 2 months of time price was reduced.Amazon itself reduced 99cent to sale the mobile from the portal.With the success of china mobile phone in eCommerce website amazon planned to release it own branded phone to expand Amazon in mobile market.
Unfortunately what ever the response people shown while release Fire mobile to the market are not much impressed from the first mobile sale.Fire phone is looking like copy of different brand mobile combination.Amazon invested nearly $170 million on fire phone.
People can’t agree currently Amazon is holding $83 million in stock of Firefox phones in goodowns.In e-retail fire phone is the first mobile which is not even touched 25% of sale hole mobile manufacture.Amazon expected more from the mobile market revenue and order much more phone to deliver the suppliers.
Tags:Amazon,Amazon firefox,Fire phone,Amazon phones,Amazon smartphones,Tech News,Amazon mobiles
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