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Amazon Prime Service Lunch In India Soon

Amazon Prime Service Lunch In India Soon

Amazon change the retail market and service sector worldwide.Selling books,gifts,home needs,electronic items and change the fate of economy.

Now Amazon step more in India.According to the lead news Amazon planning to launch Prime  service in India.This Amazon Prime service subscription will available from this year.Also another thing is this prime service would be based on local internet speed too.

Amazon Prime Service Lunch In India Soon-01

Amazon offers this service for $99 in U.S for 1 year subscription.By the service users can get the order in 2 days and access the movies and other live shows for free.Using different Apps users can enjoy the Videos and music albums too.

In this service you can load online eBooks in Amazon Kindle Tab.In India there are lot of scope to access movies and TV shows.Specially for youth it will very popular.

Everything access by the high internet connection.Then only it will load on good speed otherwise it is difficult to enjoy the subscription.

Amazon is very tough competitor for Flipkart,Snapdeal in India.With Amazon Prime service it will set the No.1 in Indian market too.

Tags:Amazon,Amazon Prime Service,Flipkart,Snapdeal,Amazon services

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