Tech News

Apple Macs And iPads,iPhones Attacks By Malware

Apple Macs And iPads,iPhones Attacks By Malware

Well known brand in international market for Desktops and mobile phones are Apple.In recent times Apple released iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus which is sell like hot cakes in smartphone market.In smartphone market Apple facing very tough competitions with other mobile manufacture companies.

Apple Macs And iPads,iPhones Attacks By Malware01

In recent survey IBN cyber security software discover a malware that is inflect OS X desktop and iOS mobiles.And this malware named as WireLurker.

WireLurker will automatically install thirdparty applications without any confirmation and it will non-broken format.This will be attack via usb devices while connect charge socket to desktops and notebooks.

Apple R&D is detected WireLurker and working to remove and secure the devices.

Tags:Apple,iOS,Apple,iPhone 6,iPhone 6 plus,Tech News,Malware

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