Tech News

Bash Bug Threatens Your Internet Security

Bash Bug Threatens Your Internet Security

Very recent times a security bug called Bash or Shellshoch bug if effected major companies database and inflected to the most the network servers and computers.Redhat released a press note that it is a bug that new code will be insert into defualt shell or bash shell that will cause the effect of installed and using softwares in the system.

Bash Bug Threatens Your Internet Security

This Bash bug is very dangerous compared to Heartbleed which was created lot of issues 6 months.In recent survey still there are more servers to be pending and strucked on Heartbleed virus.Red Hat mention that simple findout the additional lines in the bash to avoid this bug.

Some of the security experts are mention that remove the newly added lines from the bash shell and secure the installed softwares with the latest updates.And if there is any update pathes in local services need to update for all.

Tags:Linux,Bashbug,Shell bugs,Linux script,Heartbleed,Tech News,Knowledge articles

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