Knowledge Articles

How To Generate XML Sitemap For Custom Blogger

How To Generate XML Sitemap For Custom Blogger


Generally we can generate XML sitemap for blogspot from google webmaster tools.Like this feature is not available for the custom added domains for bloggers.So we need to generate sitemap manually.


1.In first step we need to geneate XML sitemap for your domain.In google there are many sitemap generate websites are there.for example your website in the below formate.


XML sitemaps
2.Now click on Generate Sitemap option.It will generate sitemap.Now copy generate XML mention in below box.

XML sitemaps generate
3.Open blogger settings and select Search Preference option.

XML sitemaps search preferences
4.Enable Custom robots.txt option.Default this option disable for blogger.
XML sitemaps code

5.Click on save and close.

While Google Index your custom domain it will first fetch the robots of your website.Google boting also compact with robots.

Tags:blogger,Custom Blogger,sitemap,Google Webmaster,Xml sitemap,Custom Sitemap.

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