How To Recover Forgot Root User Password In Centos/RHEL In general case sometimes we forgot root account password or might be need to reset root account...
Tag - centos
How To Create Partition More Than 2 TB In Linux It is well known that Linux will not create more than 2 TB using fdisk commands and it is okay for the single...
How To Use Copy And Paste Text In Linux while enter any text in terminal it is easy to type manually , incase command or the Web URL need to enter it is very...
How To Reset phpMyAdmin In Centos Description: After install Lamp in the local Centos machine unfortunately phpMyAdmin password was forgot.How can reset the...
Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket Description: When i try to restart mysql it is not starting.Able to stop the services but...
How To Create FTP Accounts In Centos Server...
How To Change Timezone And Date In Centos Server Description: Here is the simple article to change the current Timezone and date...
There was an error sending your message: Failed to set sender: [SMTP: Failed to write to socket: not connected (code: -1, response: )] Description: While...