Windows And Android Malware Steals The Show As per the Annual Windows Malware report released from Quick Heal shows the PC still continues to be the...
Tag - Windows
Unable To login Parallel Plesk Control Panel From Particular Ipaddress Description: Recently plesk 11.5 installed in windows 2012 R2 server.Able to login...
How To Remove Windows Update Description: In windows there is some updates release from official website to secure operating system which was compatable with...
How To Clear Temporary Files In Windows7 Description: Windows is loading programs with Temp files.While acces any document or folder temprory files will create...
How To Activate Windows Server 2012 With Product key Description : When try to activate Windows server 2012 it is not giving option to change the product key...
How To Resolve You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode Description: While i try to run chkdsk from command prompt...
How To Resolve Java Install Issue In Windows Description: While installing Java in local system it is giving file jre1.7.0_45-c.msi is corrupt.How to...