Hosting Articles Technical Articles

The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory /usr/share/sendmail-cf was not found on your system, or is not the correct directory. Maybe it has not been installed (common for packaged installs of Sendmail)

The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory /usr/share/sendmail-cf was not found on your system, or is not the correct directory. Maybe it has not been installed (common for packaged installs of Sendmail)


While configure domain mapping in webmin it is redirecting to the setup send mail features.When click on click here button it is giving the below error ,

The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory /usr/share/sendmail-cf was not found on your system, or is not the correct directory. Maybe it has not been installed (common for packaged installs of Sendmail)

The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory


– If the sendmail-cf is not installed in the webmin installed server above error will display.

– While installing webmin sendmail-cf will not show.Need to install manually.

– Open server with root credentials.

– Now run the following command ,

yum install sendmail-cf

– Packages will installed in the server.Now restart the services and login to the webmin.

– Now check Sendmail M4 Configuration window with all rules and features.

The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory01

Tags:webmin,webmin installation,sendmail configuration,Dovecot,Webmin issue,mails in webmin.

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