Linkedin Reached 500M Milestone Mark In The Social Network World After Microsoft takeover social professional networking site reached many cross and touched...
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How To Turn Off Unknown Wi-Fi Notification In Android It is well known notification that users are not care many times but it will always prompt for new wi-fi...
Mirantis New Cloud Platform Openstack And Kubernetes Openstack primary lead in cloud platform Mirantis. Mirantis now announced it’s new cloud platform...
Oracle Acquired Developers Tools Startup Wrecker It is almost build phase completed millions of code execution startup company wrecker established in 2012 and...
How To Change iCloud Profile Pic Using iPad or iPhone It is time to start to update iCloud profile from the previous plain initials to your beautiful pic.This...
How To Delete Volume From Database In Openstack Cinder Volume deletion is possible using simple commands, incase volume is not able to delete even force remove...
How To Make Google Drive As Default Search Engine Google drive is one of the most excellent Google product which store the files,folders,pictures in cloud...
Uber Services Banned In Italy For Violation Transportation Laws One corner Uber is expanding the scope of the services globally and other corner governments...
How To Unzip or Extract Tar.gz files in Linux Tar.gz file is nothing but a archive or compressed format file.This format file contain bulk files in the...
How To Install Vim Editor In Cygwin In Cygwin Vi or Vim text editor not come by default if the case it installed and not working properly then we need to...