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How To Change iCloud Profile Pic Using iPad or iPhone

How To Change iCloud Profile Pic Using iPad or iPhone

It is time to start to update iCloud profile from the previous plain initials to your beautiful pic.This will shows your profile pic to other users who are interact with iCloud,Airdrop,iMessage,multiple Apple services which are running IOS10.

How To Change iCloud Profile Pic Using iPad or iPhone-01

Simple thing your need a profile pic which is in your iOS device.Picture should be fair that clean background which will not overlap your picture.If you have any large photos crop it in circle format.

Once you have the photo in the device open the settings and tap on name towards right side.Here find out your Apple ID with profile pic edit option.Click on edit option to upload or take the photo.

How To Change iCloud Profile Pic Using iPad or iPhone-02

If the profile photo in your device upload it and edit the using the crop from here also.You can also zoom the photo to highlight your face only.Once it complete exit and check the profile photo below on Apple ID.

How To Change iCloud Profile Pic Using iPad or iPhone-03

From now you send any request or any information via any Apple services to other users or friends they can recognize your profile pic along with the information.

Tags:iPhone,iCloud,Apple services,iPhone series,iPhone 8 review,iPhone 8 price,iCoud profile,mytecharticle,tech news,Apple Airdrop

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