Tech News

Google Maps Now Feature Of Restaurant Food Pictures

Google Maps Now Feature Of Restaurant Food Pictures

Search gaint Google is now allowing new update interms of add-on products.Now Google Maps has added new feature that adding pictures for foodies with this reference it is easy to identify which on is the special and famous at the particular restaurant.

This new feature is allowing in level 3 and above initially.Any user try to take a click on food picture google will ask to add the locations and that will come along with the restaurant information too.

Google Maps Now Feature Of Restaurant Food Pictures

Newly added feature is called a Photo Notifications and it is allowing highly active users and local guides only in Google Maps community.With this new feature people will easily identify the food and highly rated restaurant in the updated food pictures in public places.And ask for the rating for the food and restaurant.Using the uploaded picture user can identify the place and location using GPS tracking system.By adding photography and it’s hotel or restaurant service google is using Android notification.

Tags:Google,Google Maps,Google Maps identification,Google search,Tech News

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