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How Facebook Will Work After User Death

How Facebook Will Work After User Death

Yes what ever you hear is absolutely rite that how Facebook will continue the user account after his/her death.Facebook is leading social networking website in worldwide market.Lakhs of new users are adding but still some users are have not yet disciplined with the doubts from Facebook security and policies.

Facebook announced that designate your family member like “heir” for manage FB account after their death.So the heir can maintain the comments and updated photo and respond to the comments like death one.Heir have the option to accept the friends request which was not added before the users death.

How Facebook Will Work After User Death

This service is introduced in U.S initially and facebook expanding to all other countries by end of 2015.

If the heir want to close the account can send the request to Facebook so that they will proceed the formalities and close the account.If the account be Frozen or memorialized that can also allowed.

Facebook said that User account memories are really very precious and know the value of that also this is reason implementing this new feature.

Google added similar feature in 2013 that selecting heirs for Gmail account,Cloud storage services.

Tags:Facebook,Facebook Heirs,Google Heirs,Facebook work after death,Facebook death users

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