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Messaging Services Are Lead Mobile Market



                                                                     Messaging Services Are Lead Mobile Market

Anamitra Banerji is a consociate at Foundation Capital where he concentrate on investing in startups in the consumer and marketing technology areas, including Kik, where he shareholder and sits on the board. He was 30th associate and first production manager at Twitter, where he assisted start Twitter ads from beginning.

If you are like me using multiple messaging apps on regular basis and which you use them for more than texting. My mates, friends and family all choose different apps, and I opt each app in different way. Although few messengers are more leading in precise geographies (Kakao in South Korea).

Right, many admit that sooner or later we will all catch on one or two apps and that economy of scale will commute coalition in this space. Facebook procure WhatsApp is more acknowledge to an existential issue than consolidation Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Charles Hudson, venture co-partner at SoftTech VC, made a constraining case for why messaging is not a winner-take-all market, it focus on 4 points.

In the real world we behave one way, meeting at the office and other way at the bar with old friends. Each our ally group has different interest and inside jokes, and so we access them with bespoke messages. The matter we produce on each app is different. Even our case a matter we produce in various groups within the same app is couple of times are different.

Messaging Is A Winner-Take-Some Market

But Facebook has skilled us to crash our personality into one single identity. That is only 10% of the real us. The greater part of the real you doesn’t have a channel. That’s where messengers and other services come into picture.

We use each app for separate friend circle. In other way each message app means a different circle of friends. You use the app your friend may use. If you are juvenile or have mates or family in school you use KIK. To text with family oversees you use WhatsApp. With co-workers you use IMessage. For Facebook friends you use Facebook messenger. For Twitter supporters you use DMs. Whenever there is shingle in these circles, the user responding user whichever app the initiator used.

If Google circles have one thing correct, it is that our mates aren’t in some uber social app. Instead we deliberately bucket them in various mental circles and we contact with them in different ways. What Google got wrong, nonetheless, is that we don’t accomplice all our circles with any one company, and we don’t want to work hard in classifying friends into circles – It’s just too much work. But if circles were already created for us we would use them. That absolutely what my friend groups does when they display a choice for a given app or apps. Various messenger apps are actually my Google circles- all aided by different companies, all developed and managed by my friends.

Each PC social network is specific in its user experience and getting started takes time. But all messaging apps have main texting feature that looks the same disregarding of the app. It’s very easy to enter text, opt a friend and enter send. It works the same in all the apps. It is very simple to get used with messaging app. And easy to stop using current app and switch to different app. After all user loyalty is low – once you stop receiving text from your friends you stop continuing the app. That’s why messengers are alluring users with services such as voice, video games, content and browsing.

Communication undergoes constant change and evolution.

There are new methods for us to communicate, are always derive and will go on to expand until we can correctly mimic face-to-face talk. For the entire finger pat on all the world smart phones, we are hardly scratching the surface when it comes to video communication. The pioneers and producers out there with mobile messaging on their minds should know that there is enough of room for new and creative ideas, just as there is plenty of room for new and various paths to success.

 Tags:Skype,Whatsapp,skype,Messagers,Andoid app,i connect,i Message

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