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Most Controversial Privacy Misuse By Facebook

                                                      Most Controversial Privacy Misuse By Facebook
Facebook is one of the popular free social networking website that allows enrolled users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
 Most Controversial Privacy Misuse By Facebook01
There are some disadvantages by using Facebook such as Privacy policies are failed to prove time by time. Secrecy of personal information is leaked out like age, telephone numbers, address etc. Facial recognition system is designed to identify a person is much uncertain tagging system where anybody can be tagged without our permission.
1)Personal Information Leakage: – In the year 2011 Facebook site leaded huge data of personal information. There were over 500 million users. The inconvenience was informed to Facebook by Internet Security Company.
2)Problems behind Facial Recognition:-  Facebook introduced another feature in 2011 Facial Recognition. Using this feature Facebook will automatically tag users without their awareness. Later this concerned was raised by Electronic privacy center and forced Facebook to remove this feature.
Most Controversial Privacy Misuse By Facebook
3)Was with me Tagging: – This was another feature added in August 2010 granted permission to tag without user permission. Miserable thing is Facebook couldn’t resolve obstacle. Facebook posted comment stating that “You can’t block people from tagging you in a post that includes a location, but you can stop it from showing up on your timeline”
4)Private Chats Made Public:- In 2010 there was malfunction in Facebook that made private chats of the users were made visible to public. Electronic Privacy lodged complaint stating that Facebook reveals personal information to public which deviates users privacy.
5)Ad Product Beacon caught negative attention:- Beacon, a third vendor website that produce social media giant with ads to be exhibit to the users which are found on the websites. Beacon was launched in 2007, transmits what you buy to your friends if you don’t care to turn off the feature. Beacon was disassembled in 2009 by lawsuit.


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