How To Set Password To Folder In Windows 10 In Windows there is no default option to lock the folder with password to secure from other users which using same...
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How To Verify Windows Updates In System Most of the people are using windows worldwide and very less amount of people are still not checking the windows...
Google New Touchscreen Jamboard Is Open For Sale Google new delivery Jamboard is open for sale.This 55″ inches digital whiteboard is the input touch...
Microsoft Allows iOS Developers To Build Develop Test iOS Apps In Windows It’s new move for Microsoft Xamarin to grab all the developers on single roof...
How To Disable Spotlight Search History In iOS In iOS 10’s spotlight search History is the biggest advanced feature in the same way it holding the...
Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock – ipn (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) While doing apt-get update facing the issue that packages are not able...
How To Share Internet In Android Mobile Internet is one of the major place in mobile users criteria . Based on Internet multiple apps are running in the...
How To Report A Post As Spam On Instagram Instagram is very leading and populated photo and video sharing mobile app.Instagram is the first mobile app that...
Microsoft Windows 10 S Ships From This Summer Google Chrome OS is the very lightweight Operating Sytem till the date and no major releases are takes place ...
How To Increase Size Of SQL Database Using Management Studio And Transact-SQL Description: By default we can create SQL database with the specified size...