Google New Touchscreen Jamboard Is Open For Sale Google new delivery Jamboard is open for sale.This 55″ inches digital whiteboard is the input touch...
Category - Tech News
Microsoft Allows iOS Developers To Build Develop Test iOS Apps In Windows It’s new move for Microsoft Xamarin to grab all the developers on single roof...
Microsoft Windows 10 S Ships From This Summer Google Chrome OS is the very lightweight Operating Sytem till the date and no major releases are takes place ...
Linkedin Reached 500M Milestone Mark In The Social Network World After Microsoft takeover social professional networking site reached many cross and touched...
Mirantis New Cloud Platform Openstack And Kubernetes Openstack primary lead in cloud platform Mirantis. Mirantis now announced it’s new cloud platform...
Oracle Acquired Developers Tools Startup Wrecker It is almost build phase completed millions of code execution startup company wrecker established in 2012 and...
Uber Services Banned In Italy For Violation Transportation Laws One corner Uber is expanding the scope of the services globally and other corner governments...
Wells Fargo Added Money Withdraw From Apple Pay and Android Pay Banking sectors lead Wells Fargo step forward and added new feature to their customers that...
Uber Self-Driving Car Hit And Crash At Arizona The self-driving car testing for Uber company seems endup with a bad incident happen at Arizona.Uber suspecting...
Instagram Record 1M Advertisers Reached In First Quarter Instagram the photo and video app that Facebook owned company reached 1 million monthly advertisers...