Display driver stopped responding and has recovered Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows Vista(R) stopped responding and has...
Category - Windows Articles
How To Remove Windows Update Description: In windows there is some updates release from official website to secure operating system which was compatable with...
How To Install Mysql In Windows 2012 Server Description: To store the records using php application we need backend database.Here is the simple steps to...
How To Install File Zilla In Windows 7 Description: File zilla is a FTP software to connect the remote files using GUI interface.Here is the simple steps to...
How To Install PHP In Windows Server 2012 Description: PHP is the script for build websites and applications.By default PHP not installed in windows servers...
How To Clear Temporary Files In Windows7 Description: Windows is loading programs with Temp files.While acces any document or folder temprory files will create...
How to Turn On Wi-fi In Windows 8 Lenovo Laptop Description: In lenovo updated Laptops there is no option to...
How To Activate Windows Server 2012 With Product key Description : When try to activate Windows server 2012 it is not giving option to change the product key...
How To Configure FTP Account Using File Zilla Server Description: For files uploading and downloading from the server or remote locations we need FTP accounts...
How To Resolve You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode Description: While i try to run chkdsk from command prompt...