Hosting Tutorials Plesk Tutorials

Error: Enable database user failed: mssqlmng failed: User or role ‘xxxx’ does not exist in this database.( Error Code 01).

Error: Enable database user failed: mssqlmng failed: User or role ‘xxxx’ does not exist in this database.( Error Code 01).


While activate plesk subscription it is through the below error,Error: Enable database user failed.Database user exist in the plesk control panel.Here is the simple steps to resolve this issue,

Error: Enable database user failed: mssqlmng failed: User or role ‘xxxx’ does not exist in this database.( Error Code 01).
Enable database user failed mssqlmng failed05

– In general case issue raised if the database created manually from the SQL management studio instead of create from plesk control panel.

– If database user created from plesk control panel also sometimes it will not syn with Plesk psa database at that time it will not execute the full action in plesk control panel.

– Few cases domain status will be off and it will be not possible to active the domain from plesk control panel.


Intially we have to check the database users from SQL management studio.Expand the databases and click the specified database which assign the problematic user name.

– Expand the specified database and expand Security and Users.Most cases problematic user name will be not in the list


– You can create the user name which was exist in the plesk and with was not in the user list from the right click the Users and process the required details.

– Better avoid this step to create the user name from this option to avoid future database issues.

– Open the plesk database(psa) from the following path and command,

       C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\MySQL\bin>mysqldump.exe -uadmin -P8306 -p<Plesk admin password here> psa >

C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\MySQL\bin>mysql.exe -u admin -P 8306 -p psa

Enable database user failed mssqlmng failed

– Enter plesk password in the next step.

-Now you enter to the mysql prompt.Execute the following query to check the complete information of problematic user name.

mysql> select * from db_users where login=’dbusername’;

Enable database user failed mssqlmng failed01
– Output will be the details as below,

id     login   account_id  db_id  status dom_id db_server_id

– Now verify the user name is assigned to correct domain name or not using domain id,

mysql>select  name from domains where id=dom_id;

Enable database user failed mssqlmng failed02
– Output will be domain name should be reflect.

– Now delete the user which is problematic from the following query,

mysql>delete from db_users where  login=’dbusername’;
Enable database user failed mssqlmng failed03
– In next step need to delete account id also.Here is the query,

mysql>delete from accounts where id=’account_id’;

Enable database user failed mssqlmng failed04

– After this restart the plesk services and try to unsuspend the subscription.

Tags:Plesk,Plesk tutorials,Plesk db,psa database,Plesk unsuspention,plesk databse issue,Plesk debug,plesk errors

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