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Microsoft Stream Cloud Games On Xbox Soon

Microsoft Stream Cloud Games On Xbox Soon

Microsoft continuously focusing on the Gaming zone which was created huge in past times. Microsoft is building next generation Xbox for online streaming via cloud.

In this year by Thanks Giving time Microsoft is planning to release two flavors of Xbox. First one is traditional method of gaming that run locally which people are using now , and second one is the lower powered system stream games those will run from cloud that could be Microsoft Azure Cloud.

Microsoft already planning to utilize Azure cloud in all the platforms of Microsoft products. In Online Cloud steaming people aware of the latency should be there and loading will dependency in the network speed.

As per Microsoft official Cloud based Xbox cost will be very lesser than Regular standby Xbox. Also it will offer additional gaming features in Cloud.

Previously Sony also offer similar streaming based games and those are limited because of it is not having the cloud systems. And few other companies like Nvidia tried to offer streaming games but market competetors are offer very cheaper price compare to others so it was not available across the globe.

Once Microsoft New Xbox release globally that will flat all the other competitors that ride the market place and hit lead position.

Tags:Microsoft , Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Cloud Computing, Microsoft games

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